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Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Principles, Materials and Systems (Lecture Notes in Energy)
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From the Back Cover
This book provides a review of the latest advances in anion exchange membrane fuel cells. Starting with an introduction to the field, it then examines the chemistry and catalysis involved in this energy technology. It also includes an introduction to the mathematical modelling of these fuel cells before discussing the system design and performance of real-world systems.Anion exchange membrane fuel cells are an emerging energy technology that has the potential to overcome many of the obstacles of proton exchange membrane fuel cells in terms of the cost, stability, and durability of materials. The book is an essential reference resource for professionals, researchers, and policymakers around the globe working in academia, industry, and government.
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About the Author
Since 2015, Liang An holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China. His research interests include advanced energy conversion and storage technologies, such as fuel cells and batteries.
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Product details
Series: Lecture Notes in Energy (Book 63)
Hardcover: 346 pages
Publisher: Springer; 1st ed. 2018 edition (May 21, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 3319713701
ISBN-13: 978-3319713700
Product Dimensions:
6.1 x 0.8 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,771,599 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
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