Free PDF Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food: More Than 100 Delicious, Super-Fast, and Easy Recipes, by Gordon Ramsay
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Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food: More Than 100 Delicious, Super-Fast, and Easy Recipes, by Gordon Ramsay
Free PDF Gordon Ramsay's Fast Food: More Than 100 Delicious, Super-Fast, and Easy Recipes, by Gordon Ramsay
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About the Author
Renowned chef Gordon Ramsay has opened a string of successful restaurants across the globe, from Italy to LA. In 2011, Ramsay enjoyed another exciting year with the launch of Laurier Gordon Ramsay in Montreal, Canada and the opening of Bread Street Kitchen in London's City district. Gordon has become a TV star both in the UK and internationally, with two top-rated shows in America: Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen are into their third and ninth years respectively, while his latest show, MasterChef US, is now in its second season and is proving to be another massive hit with viewers. Gordon has also published a number of books, many of which have become bestsellers across the world, notably his autobiography, Roasting in Hell's Kitchen. In 2006, Gordon was awarded an OBE for services to the industry. Ramsay lives with his wife and four children in South London, along with their two bulldogs Rumpole and Romeo.
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Product details
Paperback: 256 pages
Publisher: Sterling Epicure; Reprint edition (March 6, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402797877
ISBN-13: 978-1402797873
Product Dimensions:
7.8 x 1.2 x 10.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
126 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#63,800 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
There are number of easy recipes in here that have proven to be exceptionally delicious. The kinds of ingredients that are called for on occasion are completely foreign to me. I don't know what panch phora is, and, due to watching South Park, I giggle when I read the word creme fraiche. Other than that, the book calls for a lot of fish. There are a lot of fish recipes with very little of any other meats. If you are looking for beef recipes, this probably isn't the book for you (unless you are creative and bold with your dishes).The book also seems to emphasize a straight and simple approach. There are a few recipes with a laundry list of ingredients, but, for the most part, the recipes are short, to the point, and pretty tasty. I could definitely see a number of people much better at cooking than I being able to use these recipes as a base for something even better. For the casual cook (like me), it is an easy way to improve your home menu and branch off on one's own creative endeavors. There are not of number of recipes that I do use, but the ones that I have made are great. I don't use half the book, because squid and fish are not my go to foods. In the back, you will find a number of great basic recipes for chicken stock, mayonnaise, and other common ingredients to make yourself.
This cookbook focuses on high quality meals that can be prepared in a short period of time, usually 30 minutes or less.There are a very broad variety of meals to choose from. What I like about this cookbook is Gordon Ramsay spans many different kinds of dishes without being trapped in one regional cuisine, such as French, Italian, or American fare. This book allows even a novice or intermediate home cook a chance to prepare truly satisfying and elegant meals in a short period of time. I believe this cookbook is perfect for those with busy schedules, kids, and other events.Gordon Ramsay may be brutal on his TV series, but his love for good food keeps me coming back for more.
I bought this because as I watched Gordon Ramsay on the TV I kept thinking, MAN I sure wish I could cook like that. Every thing the man touches turns to culinary gold. Then I remembered oh yeah, celebrity chefs have cookbooks. I should get me one of his. Also fast seemed like a good place to start.Initially I was put off by some of the hard to find/expensive ingredients Ramsay uses in this cookbook, but then I either bit the bullet and tracked them down or made substitutions. My family has been really happy with all the food I've made from this book. It especially helps that this is FAST food. So I can turn out awesome dishes without slaving in the kitchen for hours.Some of my favorites that I've made a few times by now are the Chunky Fries (this is now my go-to recipe for potatoes, they turn out so crispy and delicious and are so easy!) Creamed Cabbage & Bacon (which I served with pork chops once and chia crusted chicken another time instead of turbot), Mushy Peas, & Sticky Lemon Chicken. I'm sure I will come across more favorites as I cook my way through this inventive and easy-to-follow cook book.Other aspects of this book I really like are the relatively small ingredients lists, the simple conversational way he explains each recipe and when you should start what, and the casual substitutions he suggests which made me feel that I wasn't a failure if I don't keep palm sugar on hand, for example.So in all this was exactly what I had hoped for when I imagined a cookbook by Gordon Ramsay.
I have this book & as well as gordon ramsay's 'makes it easy' cookbook & this one is by far my favorite between the 2. The actual recipes sound & seem complicated but they're really not. He gives you all kinds of recipes, from bringing food to work, to desserts, to things to make to entertain guests. For me I love 'quick & easy' cookbooks & this is a great one.. also it's great because I can make quick & healthy foods without having to slave in the kitchen.. cook michellin rated dishes without taking a cooking class! this is one of those books where you take it from the pro..
We're really enjoying this cookbook. It's organized well, every dish has a full color photograph, and every dish is uncomplicated enough that after a couple times making it, you don't need to go back to the recipe. The recipes are diverse - everything from ethnic meals to sandwiches. We do have to plan ahead and make a trip to the grocery store because there's usually one ingredient that I don't keep in my pantry, and some recipes we've had to make small substitutions (mostly the type of fish we used because we don't have the selection locally), but every dish we've made so far has tasted like food we get out at a nice restaurant without requiring hours in the kitchen. Because the recipes don't require a lot of ingredients or complicated techniques, it's easy to tweak the recipes to add a little more of this or a little less of that to suit your taste.
Maybe it's just my taste in food, but I really found about 5 or so recipes from the book appealing to me. The book is odd as it's constructed from some smelly cardstock paper. I like Chef Ramsay a lot, but the recipes in this book are not for me. A youtube video of him cooking steak was more appealing than any recipe in the book. It is however nicely thought out as it includes info on how to create basics required in the pantry for future cooking.
Very happy to finally have some of the Gordon Ramsey recipes in my house, and not just on my TV! The tips he gives for how to stock your pantry, refrigerator and freezer are so helpful!
I bought this because Gordon Ramsey is one of my all-time favorite chefs. When I read that it was super-fast ams easy recipes I bought it. I consider myself a pretty experienced home cook, and had some difficulty following the recipes. Many of the ingredients are things that most people wouldn't normally have in your house, so you would have to do extra shopping for spices and other things. Would be an amazing cookbook if you wanted to try some very different recipes.
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